Holiday Pinterest and Email Marketing Strategy
August 17, 2021

The holiday season is around the corner and you are not quite ready with your holiday offers. Just like in the stores, holiday season promotion begins early on Pinterest. August is here and you should have already started promoting your Black Friday and Christmas sales ????
No need to fret, here is a simple way that your can use your email list to your advantage! Just like a product launch you must build hype around it, don’t just release the product, or else your sales will more than likely suffer if you do so.
Start collecting names and email addresses of interested people. Once you have all your ducks in a row, you will already have a long list of people who are ready to buy from you! Let them in on the sale code or holiday specials first. Give them first dibs.
????Pro tip: You can even give them a special countdown, maybe they will receive an exclusive offer: a special gift with purchase for XX days.

Need help setting up your holiday segmentation and creating a holiday landing page to promote on Pinterest? When you sign up for both our Pinterest and Email Marketing services as an inclusive package we can do it for you. Create the segment in your list, a landing page, and the pins! And of course, when you are ready to send your special holiday email we got that cover too!
Are you ready for the holiday season already? I am not, but then again I don’t have children so it is not that bad for me ????


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